first steps

Posted in Uncategorized on January 21, 2009 by lennyconsombrero

alchemy gothic

alchemy gothic

Knowledge of Art

Paintings and sculptures

I know many famous sculptures and paintings but I cannot always remember the artist who created it.

Classical music

The classical music is like the paintings and sculptures, I can pretty say that I know this one but composer is unknown to me. I can summary Beethoven’s biography and I know some symphonies of Mozart because my old German teacher use to play some in class before it begins.

English-language literature

I never read any literature in English they were often translated for my French courses. When I hear English literature, the only name that rings me something is of course William Shakespeare the England writer.

The history of the English language

The English language is cousin with the german because they came from the same place. At the beginning who couldn’t speak about English or german, they didn’t exist yet. They were the Anglo-Saxons fierce enemies of the gothic (who are now the French).

New guitar player

Since 3 weeks I have begun to play guitar, for a new comer into this world, I’m a fast learner. I can for now play some parts of pennywise – Bro hymn, Zelda – ocarina of time, system of a down – aerials and I currently practicing linkin park – numb and deep purple – smoke on the water.

Sharing my talent with class

Sorry for the bad news but I’m still not enough a good guitar player to show my talent to the entire class ;P


We could speak about Alchemy Gothic ( It’s a company who publish all kinds of pictures about creatures and skeletons. It’s a website who worth to be visited…

Learning about the biography of some famous writers like Shakespeare would be great. Also take a quick look at his pieces less known than Romeo and Juliette. Maybe see Disney first artwork.














Posted in Uncategorized on January 21, 2009 by lennyconsombrero

 welcome to my new blog created for the literature course in cegep 😀